The Bethany Special School was founded in 1983 under the guidance of Dr SL Kashiram. The students at Bethany are unique in their abilities and we strive to help them discover their individuality. The school has eight classes, which are divided based on the children's age and ability. In the classroom, students learn functional academics, language and communication skills, social skills, ADL skills (Activities of Daily Living), gross and fine motor skills, as well as prevocational and vocational skills. They also attend computer classes twice a week to keep up with modern technology.
At the beginning of each academic year, the Principal formulates an IEP (Individual Education Plan) for each student. Assessments are conducted three times a year, and reports are given to parents during Parent Teacher meetings. If necessary, students are also given Speech and Occupational Therapy. The school operates from 8.30 am to 3 pm from Monday to Friday. Some students are taken to the Aero Fitness Centre for Aerobics, and they are also exposed to dance and singing for a more immersive learning experience.