The Congregation of the Sisters of the Apostolic Carmel is an Indian religious group that was founded in 1870 by Mother Veronica. She was a holy and dedicated woman who was divinely inspired to help underprivileged girls of her time. Nowadays, the Sisters provide education to children in high schools, primary schools, teacher training institutions, degree colleges and technical schools. The medium of instruction is both English and regional languages.
Moreover, the congregation runs creches, children's homes, boarding houses, and social service centers in rural and urban areas across India, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Kuwait, Bahrain, Kenya, and Rome. Carmel Convent School, a unit of Carmel Vidya Vardhak Sangh Educational Society, was opened in 1970 to benefit children in Jayanagar and neighboring extensions of Bangalore city. The school is recognized by the Department of Public Instruction, Karnataka State, and its academic year starts in June.
Our vision is to form integrated women who draw inspiration from Christ and Mother Veronica. We aim to develop women who are capable of responding to life's challenges with joy and deep faith in God, guided by right values in their choices and decisions, enriched by our cultural heritage, and committed to serving our people.