Karnataka Public School, established in 2005 with just 50 students, has since become synonymous with academic excellence and the development of well-rounded personalities. Over the years, the school has produced several luminaries in various disciplines, and today boasts an enrollment of 820 students. Affiliated with CBSE, Karnataka Public School offers a flexible curriculum that enables new trends in education to take root in the existing system. This approach helps the school keep pace with the rapidly changing educational scenario, while imparting immeasurable values to its students. The school provides students with superior educational opportunities in a caring, well-structured, and supportive environment. We strive to develop skills, knowledge, and attitudes that are essential for successful living. At KPS, our faculty is a blend of academicians and experienced professionals who help students synergize with the corporate world. The experienced teachers are encouraged and assisted to meet academic challenges in all avenues, on par with international standards.