Krishna Chaitanya Residential Special School is a non-governmental organization, managed by The Krishna Trust (Regd.), which was established in 1992 with the aim of educating and improving the lives of intellectually challenged children. The trust was founded by the late Dr. J T Venkateshiah, a renowned pediatrician, and a group of selfless individuals from the medical and academic fields who shared the common goal of serving young, intellectually challenged children and providing them with the life they deserve. Today, under the leadership of the present Chairman M Sadashivappa, a renowned auditor, and his team of selfless trustees, the Krishna Trust works tirelessly to provide food, accommodation, and education to challenged children and empower them through training and education programs to transform their lives.
What began as a small unit in a shed with just five children has now grown into a fully-functioning educational institution and vocational training center in Halebhyrohalli, Bengaluru, offering hands-on education and training programs to help reform and transform the lives of hundreds of children. The Trust is currently establishing a school branch in Hanagal, near Molakalmuru, a backward taluka of the State. The present Chairman, Sri M Sadashivappa, and the family members of the Vice Chairman, Sri G N Sreenivasamurthy, have donated a piece of land to develop the infrastructure for the school. The construction activity is expected to be completed by the end of December 2023. When the school starts functioning, it would be a boon for the children of this part of the society.