Shiksha Sagar High School is a renowned educational institution established in the year 1990 by Ms. Anusuya, a visionary in the field of Education. The school has many well-wishers, including The Sri Siddhartha Education Society, Tumkur, which has an excellent track record of running a chain of educational institutions for the last 6 decades.
The school is affiliated with the CBSE Board, and its affiliation number is 830462. The Board of Advisors of the School comprises great visionaries of education, including Dr. G. Parameshwara, former Higher Education Minister, Govt. of Karnataka, and Dr. A. Ebenezer, former Principal Bishop Cotton Boys School and The Founder of Ebenezer International School.
At Shiksha Sagar, we believe in the “GOLDEN LEARNING TRIANGLE,” which entails a seamless experience of learning where students, parents, and the school work together in a symbiotic partnership towards the same goal of quality education. We strive to lead young minds from the shadows of unfamiliarity to the brilliance of learning.