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How Skoolz Works

Search for 1000's of schools hobby classes and tuition classes nearby
Search for 1000's of schools hobby classes and tuition classes nearby
Enter your location, select the best suggestion from Google, and click search to list hundreds of schools, hobby classes, and tuition classes nearby in 1 minute. Map view helps you know the accurate location of the educators. Skoolz exclusive search allows parents to apply many filters to get the most accurate match per their needs.
Walk into your kid's schools & hobby classes from anywhere and learn 75+ features about the institute
Walk into your Child's schools & hobby classes from anywhere through our 3D videos of the schools & learn 75+ features about the institute. In addition, educators' interviews and webinar recordings help you better understand the Educators and further help parents make an informed decision knowing the educators.
Walk into your kid's schools & hobby classes from anywhere and learn 75+ features about the institute
Compare schools on 50+ parameters with a single click
Compare schools on 50+ parameters with a single click
We understand how difficult it is to choose among the schools you have shortlisted. However, you require accurate information from the schools to compare them, and we made it possible for you with a single click. We allow you to compare three schools side by side to make an apple-to-apple comparison on each criterion and make the best decision for your Child.
Education guidance from academic experts
Are you looking for someone to help you make the most important decision about choosing the right educator for your Child? We are here to help you. Our Academic experts are a call away or a click away to meet them in a zoom call. Each of our academic experts comes with immense knowledge to guide you in making that critical decision.
Education guidance from academic experts
Schedule appointments with one click
Schedule appointments with one click
Have you tried to reach the school management to book an appointment at your convenient time and have not been successful? Not anymore!! How wonderful would it be if you could schedule a meeting with the school administration with just one click? What's more impressive is that you can schedule a virtual or a physical meeting, or simply a callback. Isn't it cool? We've made things easy for you.
Apply to multiple schools with a single click
We know how difficult it is to buy those application forms after hours of standing in the queue and then the hassle of filling them out and submitting them, and then making all those corrections and resubmitting, so we've made it simple for you. We allow you to complete the application form once and submit it to multiple schools with a single click
Apply to multiple schools with a single click
Receive updates from shortlisted and nearby institutes
Receive updates from shortlisted and nearby institutes
You always wanted to know what's happening with your favorite & nearby schools or hobby classes or Tuition classes, be it the start of a new music class or a dance class or if admission is open to your favorite or nearby school. We have you covered and help you get that important information to your mobile every week.
Workshops for parents & children
The learning never ends; our workshops are designed to help parents and children learn from experts who have achieved excellence in various fields. In addition, workshops and webinars are designed to help parents gain much-needed knowledge that is otherwise not available easily, especially from the experts.
Workshops for parents & children
Worksheets for children
Worksheets for children
Children's studies start at school but end at home, therefore, it is important to ensure children practice with high-quality worksheets, which not only help children learn & practice well but also ensure parents do not have to keep running behind various sources for high-quality worksheets.
Search for 1000's of schools hobby classes and tuition classes nearby
Search for 1000's of schools hobby classes and tuition classes nearby
Enter your location, select the best suggestion from Google, and click search to list hundreds of schools, hobby classes, and tuition classes nearby in 1 minute. Map view helps you know the accurate location of the educators. Skoolz exclusive search allows parents to apply many filters to get the most accurate match per their needs.
Walk into your kid's schools & hobby classes from anywhere and learn 75+ features about the institute
Walk into your kid's schools & hobby classes from anywhere and learn 75+ features about the institute
Walk into your Child's schools & hobby classes from anywhere through our 3D videos of the schools & learn 75+ features about the institute. In addition, educators' interviews and webinar recordings help you better understand the Educators and further help parents make an informed decision knowing the educators.
Compare schools on 50+ parameters with a single click
Compare schools on 50+ parameters with a single click
We understand how difficult it is to choose among the schools you have shortlisted. However, you require accurate information from the schools to compare them, and we made it possible for you with a single click. We allow you to compare three schools side by side to make an apple-to-apple comparison on each criterion and make the best decision for your Child.
Education guidance form academic experts
Education guidance form academic experts
Are you looking for someone to help you make the most important decision about choosing the right educator for your Child? We are here to help you. Our Academic experts are a call away or a click away to meet them in a zoom call. Each of our academic experts comes with immense knowledge to guide you in making that critical decision.
Schedule appointments with one click
Schedule appointments with one click
Have you tried to reach the school management to book an appointment at your convenient time and have not been successful? Not anymore!! How wonderful would it be if you could schedule a meeting with the school administration with just one click? What's more impressive is that you can schedule a virtual or a physical meeting, or simply a callback. Isn't it cool? We've made things easy for you.
Apply to multiple schools with a single click
Apply to multiple schools with a single click
We know how difficult it is to buy those application forms after hours of standing in the queue and then the hassle of filling them out and submitting them, and then making all those corrections and resubmitting, so we've made it simple for you. We allow you to complete the application form once and submit it to multiple schools with a single click
Receive updates from shortlisted and nearby institutes
Receive updates from shortlisted and nearby institutes
You always wanted to know what's happening with your favorite & nearby schools or hobby classes or Tuition classes, be it the start of a new music class or a dance class or if admission is open to your favorite or nearby school. We have you covered and help you get that important information to your mobile every week.
Workshops for parents & children
Workshops for parents & children
The learning never ends; our workshops are designed to help parents and children learn from experts who have achieved excellence in various fields. In addition, workshops and webinars are designed to help parents gain much-needed knowledge that is otherwise not available easily, especially from the experts.
Worksheets for children
Worksheets for children
Children's studies start at school but end at home, therefore, it is important to ensure children practice with high-quality worksheets, which not only help children learn & practice well but also ensure parents do not have to keep running behind various sources for high-quality worksheets.
  • 3rd floor, Go spaze, police station, Sarjapur - Marathahalli Rd, above Aishwarya super market, opposite to Bellandur, Bellandur, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560103
  • View Map
  • Register with us & get updates on Upcoming Events, Offers, and New Institutes Nearby.
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