In a world that is destructive and degenerative, it has become increasingly important to have a place that serves as an oasis where one can learn a way of living that is whole, sane, and intelligent. However, modern education has focused mainly on cultivating intellect and memory skills rather than intelligence. This process often only involves passing information from the teacher to the student, leading to a superficial and mechanical way of life with little human relationship.
A school should be a place where one learns about the totality and wholeness of life. Academic excellence is essential, but a school should offer much more than that. It should be a place where both the teacher and the student explore not just the outer world of knowledge but also their own thinking and behavior, discovering their own conditioning and how it distorts their thinking. In this school, it is the teacher's responsibility to carefully explore the implications of conditioning with the students and help them end it.
In this school, one learns the importance of knowledge and its limitations and how to observe the world from different perspectives without any preconceived ideals, theories, or beliefs that bring about a contradictory attitude toward existence. The school is concerned with freedom and order, understanding that freedom is not the expression of one's own desire, choice, or self-interest, but rather, order can only come with the insight that to choose is itself the denial of freedom.
Relationships should not be based on attachment and possession but on freedom and order. It's important to learn about the movement of thought, love, and death, for all this is our life. From ancient times, humans have sought something beyond the materialistic world, something immeasurable, something sacred. This school intends to inquire into this possibility.
Inquiry into knowledge, oneself, and the possibility of something beyond knowledge naturally bring about a psychological revolution. From this comes inevitably a totally different order in human relationships, which is society. The intelligent understanding of all this can bring about a profound change in the consciousness of mankind.